George: Hey John! John: Yeah? George: Have you got a cigarette? John: What's that, George? George: Have-you-got-a-cig-ar-ette-for-me-please? John: Sure, here you are. Its Marloboro with a microne finger. George: Marlboro with a microne finger? Why, thank you John. John: It's a big cigarette for a big man. <lights cigarettes> John and George in unison: Here we are, John and George smoking out Marlboro cigarettes. George and John, Buddies and Pals! Excerpt from the movie, "The Beatles First Visit to the US"  When reminiscing 'back in the day', many Beatle fans associate John Lennon and Paul McCartney as the partners and geniouses behind the Beatles. Seldom do you ever hear, "Man, Ringo and Paul were such good friends!" Thats just the way it was and has been. The fact that John and Paul wrote the most music together basically gave people the idea that there were only two members of the Beatles and the rest were just...(like Mary Ann) the rest. But contrare to popular belief, there were 4 members of the Beatles and they were all best friends. It was not two groups of John and Paul, then Ringo and George. Even in VH1's 'What if the Beatles got back together' movie called "Two of Us", the movie focused on John and Paul reuniting and settling their differences. There was nearly any mention of the other two guys. John and George were great buds. Their relationship started off a little slow since George was three years younger. But as time perspired, they were just as close as Paul and John. After the Beatles broke up, tension aroused with the lads, especially John. Nonetheless, George still played guitar on John's solo album, "Imagine". And when John tragically passed away in 1980, the first Beatle to step in was George. He wrote the single, "All Those Years Ago", a sad but inspired song about how he felt about John. One of the lines being: "I always looked up to you."  *All Those Years Ago* Written by: George Harrison I'm shouting all about love While they treated you like a dog When you were the one who had made it so clear All those years ago. I'm talking all about how to give They don't act with much honesty But you point the way to the truth when you say All you need is love. Living with good and bad I always looked up to you Now we're left cold and sad By someone the devil's best friend Someone who offended all. We're living in a bad dream They've forgotten all about mankind and you were the one they backed up to the wall All those years ago You were the one who Imagined it all All those years ago. Deep in the darkest night I send out a prayer to you Now in the world of light Where the spirit free of the lies And all else that we despised They've forgotten all about God He's the only reason we exist Yet you were the one that they said was so wierd All those years ago You said it all though not many had ears All those years ago You had control of our smiles and our tears All those years ago
This page is in dedication to the unrecognized friendship between John Lennon and George Harrison, buddies and pals. |